Drawing – theme: surrealism+anatomical and people – image response 2
The sketching process :
This first draft of a sketch took around two minutes and this is probably one of the most crucial times I find when starting any piece and especially a drawing. It allowed me to set the main composition of the subject and the proportions so the subject would fit ell within the A4 paper size I used.
The drawing process :
As for the actual drawing process I found that in between the halfway point I had lost motivation and sense of direction where this drawing was going towards. Although I kept with it as I love using pencil as my main source of medium and didn’t give up like I normally would and even though I’m not exactly thrilled to have created it as I could have done better, I’m still glad I did because I realised that it still matched my themes and portrayed the stressful and intoxicating feel people can have on you that I wanted it to have.
Extra practice before the actual drawing :
This five minute practice just before starting with the actual drawing was used for me as a warm up because I hadn’t drawn all day and felt like I had been quite stiff if I simply thrown myself straight into the drawing process.