Research for hypothetical Mars consent form

I’ve been looking for example consent and participation forms so I can lift some of the lingo, to make my hypotetical consent form for a trip to Mars seem more realistic, it will still remain somewhat tongue in cheek, but I want it to seem legitimate to a point. Mark recommended I look at “The Form Book: Creating Forms for Printed and Online Use” by Borries Schwesinger, but I have yet to come across a copy in any libraries. The search continues….


This is a useful webpage I found from the University of Cambridge about research ethics but it gives an outline of what to include in such forms:


The parts I found useful are as follows (this will be a good base to start with outlining what I need to include in my form, I still need to find some example forms for appropriate lingo though):


  • Details of the research project (title, funding source, sponsoring institution, source of ethical review etc.);
  • The purpose of the research;
  • What participation will involve;
  • The benefits and disadvantages/risks of participation;
  • A clear statement that participation is entirely voluntary and that participants can withdraw from the project at any time without prejudice, now or in future;
  • Details of what will happen to the data collected and the results of the research, including:
    • How the data collected will be handled and protected (e.g. confidentiality, anonymisation, data protection);
    • How results will be disseminated;
    • Plans for storage, archiving, sharing and re-use of data (see below for more details).
  • Details of who to contact for further information and how to file a complaint.


While consent forms may differ according to the project, they should normally include at least the following or similar statements:

  • I have read and understood the Participant Information Sheet;
  • I have been given the opportunity to ask questions and have had them answered to my satisfaction;
  • I agree to take part in this project;
  • I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I am free to withdraw at any time without giving a reason;
  • A statement that asks the participant to consent to procedures for handling any personal data collected (e.g. confidentiality, anonymisation, etc.);
  • A statement that asks the participant to consent to proposals for data storage, archiving, sharing and re-use for future research;
  • (If relevant) A statement that asks the participant to consent to any planned audio or visual recording.



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