It is important for me to understand themes and trends going in to 2021. I will be producing my final major project in this time period so I need to ensure the response is welcomed and therefore gains success. I have decided to include two WGSN reports to help my work steer towards key factors that will impact our lives. Future Innovations 2021 and Future Proofing Your Brand are both reports created to ensure businesses succeed in 2021. I learnt that collaboration across similar professions is key and will create interesting outcomes that may not have been possible in earlier years. I noted all the areas that I would need to invest in to stay relevant and form a readership.
I also established my love for styling pages and I believe that with the right content these pages will be important for any audience. Key these are self-care and self-investment which heavily relate to my work in attempting to abolish comparison culture and creating a positive space for women.
Overall, these reports helped me to understand what people want to be reading about and investing in, in 2021.