Last minute content and flow

I think it is safe to say that towards the end of this project I suddenly panicked that I would not have enough content to fill the magazine. I went out to shoot more imagery to develop my styling and finding joy narratives. As I reflect back on this I realise that the work produced was not up to standard and therefore will not be featured in the magazine. When putting the magazine together I noticed that I already had too much content and so there was not much point in shooting more. I had to be selective and therefore some images from my sketchbook did not make it into the final edit.

I knew from the start that I wanted to develop my styling and beauty concepts as I felt these images wern’t stong. I made this feature into a small segment at the start of the magazine using traditional magazine sections outlined to me in the book, Editorial Design: Digital and Print by Cath Caldwell. Caldwell states that fashion and editorial content is in the first third, main features are in the second third and interactive features are in the back third. I used this format for my magazine to ensure the content flowed nicely.

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