After listening to Chris and Emma’s lecture we had the opportunity to produce a quick film for group discussion. Initially I felt overwhelmed, I have never produced film work before and so this was a blind experiment. I was given some great tips by the tutors and recommended some editing apps which helped me be experimental.

The attached film is my outcome where I explored themes seen in my FMP. I liked the idea of replicating a scanner, which I have incorporated in my FMP, to showcase my work. I was limited with what I could use, being in lockdown, but I managed to utilize an old fish tank which I cleaned and flipped on its side. It took me a long time to get the lighting right, I do not have any professional lighting and natural daylight was reflecting off the glass. To combat this problem I set my laptop to a bright white screen and positioned it in a very awkward make shift way to ensure reflections were not seen.

I then set my camera up below the glass and filmed my hands moving images off and on the glass. I edited this down to ensure the film flowed better and added some effects to replicate my scan experiments seen in my sketchbook, which slightly distort the original image.

Overall, I am happy with this outcome and would like to include it as a part of my FMP to show the process of my work. I will explore this medium further to refine my skills and develop my photographic work.

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