Finnish Design Project

A detail from a portrait of Katariina Eekkinen taken by Sirpa Kutilainen.

Katariina Eekkinen

A portrait of Katariina Eekkinen taken by Sirpa Kutilainen.
How long have you lived in Brighton? What made you move here?

I’ve lived here for 7 years. I wanted to do a teaching course in England since I already had a degree from a university in London. I had visited here a few times and loved it and had friends here. I love the relaxed atmosphere and the colourful city.

What does Finnish design mean to you?

Objects and designs that are long lasting and durable, simplistic and of high quality. I don’t really like modernism and the Aalto designs don’t excite me much but I love the traditional Finnish handicrafts and I think Jussi-paita and ‘huopatossut’ are real design gems!

Does Finnish design play a part in your daily life in any way?

I start my day by having tea from a Moomin cup every morning and my cheese slicer is in daily use as well. I also use the traditional Finnish patterns when knitting and crocheting.

Which Finnish design object have you decided to be photographed with and why?

I have some curtains from my childhood home in the 1970’s that my mum gave me when I moved out. I had them up in my first own home and now in my home here where I’ve settled in. I love the colours and design and the quality of the fabric. And having something from your childhood home feels very special and gives you a sense of security and connection with your culture… I prefer using fabrics to decorate rather than objects that only have one purpose. Whenever I’m in Finland I buy old fabrics and lace from second hand shops and use them all over the house as tablecloths, curtains, throws etc.


Photo by Sirpa Kutilainen.

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Sirpa Kutilainen • April 15, 2012

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