April 14

introducing a character

my favourite part of writing a screenplay or even starting a new film idea, is the characters. they’re the glue of the whole idea and introducing them is a key thing when writing your screenplay so your audience can love them as much as you did. love at first sight, if you will.

i wanted to introduce a character from a story that’s been in development for almost 2 years? this is the first in-depth film idea that i’ve ever written and it will be held close to my heart. this is the first page of the screenplay i’ve edited after a while of abandoning it, introducing one of two main characters Arden Arian.


After reading screenplays from films such as Queen & Slim, Logan and Midsommar. I hoped I introduced my favourtie character in a clear and intruiging way. I gave Arden the ‘flare’ she has at first greetings with the audience, her independence and her fiery attitude. This story does tend to be a love story but I steer away from the clichés more often. To give it more of a Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo and Juliet (1996) theme, which is the main inspiration for this idea.