Feminine always considered as a low power and inferior gender in most religions and nations. Female always had to sacrifice something for pleasing men or they had to follow some strange traditions.
For instance, in Chinese culture small feet are perceived as a symbol of beauty, although it is no longer popular. In order to keep them small, people used to bind the feet of girls, which later came to be seen by people as a symbol of wealth. This culture was important for women only but was very painful.
Another traditional is quite similar to foot binding is female genital mutilation, they are all created female body and temperament by man.
In the movie “THE DESERT FLOWER”
“It’s a cultural practice for them to preserve the sexual being in girls until they’re married. They see the outer genitalia as ‘dirty.’ ”
Also, this is the culture hegemony trap set by the fashion empire to the female body, they are usually show this is their voluntary choice to change their body, but sometimes is difficult to realise some of these behaviour is not for themselves.
Gender discrimination became more of culture now. As people from one generation to another are inheriting these perspectives, what they see, they do the same. Hence, even now some people follow these traditions.