Mick Harney at a table

Talking about surviving as an artist without actually making stuff you can sell….

FACP poster for talk

Into the archive with Mick Hartney

FACP senior lecturer Naomi Salaman and Sue Breakell (Design Archives), have been working with artist and Ex FACP Course Leader Mick Hartney to plot a history of the FACP course, and to establish an archive. Yesterday they visited him again to gether documents, talk about students, exhibitions, art school politics and intrigues from decades past. Here is Mick with the leaflet for The Mothership at South London gallery (2006) by Ex FACP student Harold Offeh.  Look at this FACP poster for a talk by Harold Offeh from the early years of 2000, with a theme that is more relevant than ever today – Talking about surviving as an artist without actually making stuff you can sell


And below an exhibition leaflet for a second year student show from 2000, called 1:2500 a site specific show organised by the students of FACP, curated by Sam Levack who randomly allocated ordinance survey co-ordinates in Brighton – to fellow students.


mick hartney with leaflet


More about the FACP archive here


Listen to a podcast from the FACP reunion


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