Current Research Student EEL Members

Gregor Eichhorn (PhD). Heat mitigation strategies to support the elderly during a heat wave. Self-funded project with support from the University of Brighton.

Chanel Coppard (PhD). The effect of thermoregulatory factors that impact health-related quality of life on female breast cancer survivors. Self-funded project with support from the University of Brighton.

Julie Gooderick (PhD). Sleep hygiene education to improve sleep indices and performance amongst female athletes. Self-funded project with support from the University of Brighton.

Anya Gough (PhD). How age affects interoceptive abilities, perceptions, and behaviour in the heat. Self-funded project with support from the University of Brighton.


Wanting to Study for a PhD in our Environmental Extremes Lab?

If you are interested in applying to study for a PhD allied to Environmental Extremes, please follow the link for further details. You are encouraged in advance of applying to reach out to the academic staff member within EEL that has expertise in the research area you are interested in to discuss your ideas.