Hot at Work

Our Environmental Extremes Lab comprise a dynamic team of research-active individuals who bring an applied, solution-based approach to the challenge of living, working and exercising in environmental extremes. Individuals with and without disease engaging with physical activity have been informed how to embark in safe and effective exercise and reduce risk of illness. Occupationally, we have informed National Fire Service Guidelines to improve health of staff exposed to severe heat. Our product testing with Bodychillz Ltd. developed the CAERvest® that has saved lives and we have supported other companies from proof-of-concept stage through to prototype evaluation. Research funding has come from charities, industry, UK central government agencies and national governing bodies. We have >20 years of experience in the field, collaborating widely (>40 research papers published since 2014) that puts our team at the forefront of environmental extremes research and innovation in the UK with a growing international profile.

Through our research, innovation and education, people will learn how to prepare for safe and effective activity in environmental extremes to optimise performance and reduce risk of illness. We seek further collaboration within the public and private sector, offering our expertise to those industries where employees are hot at work.

If you or your workforce experience extremes of temperature and would like support, whether in characterising the heat stress and, or strain, support on individual susceptibility or education around effective heat alleviation, contact Dr Neil Maxwell directly.