Brief and Product Description

How might we create a framework for the distribution and creation of specialist machinery using 3d printed and readily available parts, that can be made by anyone with access to tools, for use in craft workshops, maker spaces and even our home.
Open Workshop is a new way to create machinery at home using 3d printed parts and readily available materials from places such as B&Q. It allows expensive machinery to be created cheaply meaning that a wider range of people can access machines that otherwise would have been difficult or expensive to access.

The final output for the project as of the hand in was the creation of a pottery wheel and a website that details all the parts. Each part and machine has a place to download the files ready for 3D printing and assembly animations. To check out the website please visit the website tab.

Picture showing me using the Pottery Wheel
Me using the finished wheel
The finished wheel
The finished wheel
Close up of me using the wheel
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