Women’s Business Council 2017 report was a major milestone in this project. I made me realise the meaning of my work and what I want to achieve with it. At this point I also decided that the comic book I’m creating is going to be only available online (COVID-19 and lack of funding were the main reasons for it).
With this in mind, I was able to develop my project into a social campaign including Instagram account and e-book. Below is my initial draft of branding and promotion strategy for this project.
Part of my FMP project is promotion of the final outcome (e-book). I’m planning to do it through Instagram, because it’s free and accessible for everyone with internet connection.
The Instagram account will act as a platform connecting e-book readers, who wish to get more information about women at work (statistics, government documents, inspirational quotes and interesting stories) presented in a colourful and fun way.
E-book readers can scan QR codes incorporated within panels to access specific Instagram posts related to said panel. By creating additional space with more graphics and information, I can encourage readers to learn more about female perspective on work and what issues we struggle with at work.
I’m hoping to draw attention to how diverse women’s work is and, considering still visible gender roles and gender stereotypes in our society, change people’s opinions on women’s work.
To tie Instagram content with the e-book, I decided to keep the same colour scheme and fonts across both mediums. I’m going to use a Macintosh colour palette and Avenir Next Condensed as a main font. In the e-book dialogues are going to be in hand-written fonts, to keep with the style of graphic novel, however other text in the e-book will be in Avenir Next Condensed.
Below is a few fonts I considered, and 3 highlighted in green made it to the top.
I decided to go with Avenir Next Condensed because of the versatility of this font family. It comes in 6 different weights (Ultra Light, Regular, Medium, Demi Bold, Bold, and Heavy). While playing around with this font I decided to also test how different colours will look with it. I want to depict inclusion, representation of all and non-discrimination with my colour scheme, and what is better for showing this, if not by using all 7 colours of rainbow. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet were chosen from Macintosh colour palette.
For the general feeling of Instagram content and e-book, I always wanted it to be modern, not gender-specific, but leaning towards range of colours, attractive to all ages (not age specific), and to combine professional font with fun colours.