Visual Promotion Evaluation

I am very pleased with how this project turned out. My favourite aspects are the images and website I produced, as creating them and exploring new aspects of fashion communication. Although, I was supposed to produce a short promotional film I still think I produced a lot of work and put a lot of effort into it. Hopefully in my next project I can work with filming as I have never tried it out before. I produce it in enough time as I felt I didn’t have enough to produce a film of quality and wanted to make sure I put my fulleffort into every other aspect first before creating something over whelming and that I’ve never done before.

I personally think I could improve on going into more depth with my research and having more of an understanding on how to use the WGSN website as I struggled with it. I also think I could’ve reached out my promotional side more by exploring how to communicate with my target audience other than social media and online. My research could’ve also gone into more depth about subcultural influences and their meaning with their historic statements.

Next time I will produce more work in a more organized order, so I feel as ifI have enough time to research and branch out my sub-brand’s promotional side. Other than that, I feel satisfied with the work I have produced and have  enjoyed learning on how brands communicate their work through fashion.

Creating samples for promotion!

I recently have been enjoying collecting vintage and second hand jewellery as I’ve found them very useful for projects if I ever need to put something together. So, I bought a kg of second hand costume jewellery off of eBay. This was really fun as it was like a surprise box I had to find cool things in. I got a cool necklace in there which I use to construct one of my sub-brands products along with a pair of sunglasses I found in a charity shop. This is a fun, easy and sustainable way to up-cycle and reuse accessories instead of buying expensive new pieces! It really ties in with my sub-brand too as the main thing is that every product is sustainable.