Project plan APG 504

I have decided to focus my self directed project on Mauritius, which is a small country in the Indian Ocean which I visited a few years ago. After reflecting on all the places which I have visited I was looking at Greece and Mauritius as these are the two countries that I enjoyed visiting the most. I picked Mauritius as I feel that this is my favourite place that I have visited and I know that there is a lot of culture there which I can look into. I am also interested in creating a travel guide/book, which will include facts and history about Mauritius as well as artwork that I have created looking into the culture and my own experiences travelling there. Within the culture, I will look at food, them people, religion, clothing, celebrations, nature/wildlife, etc. The purpose of this book will be for people planning on travelling to Mauritius to get an idea of the culture and the island itself, also it would be of use to anyone who wants to know about the country in general. I plan to create some lino prints looking at places on the island that I visited.

   this is a style of book that I am interested in

I like the look of the pages being full and rich with colour to represent and symbolise the country.

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