Work Play Work : briefing & workshop – 29/09/22

Today was the first workshop of level 5 and I really enjoyed it! It was nice to be back in the studio again. This workshop was all about drawing the very first ideas that pass through your mind without thinking about it too much, in order to prevent rejecting ideas that we think might not look good.

This workshop was a good warm up activity for drawing and helped to loosen us up. I did find it hard to think of things to draw under a time limit and the things that I did draw I felt weren’t my best or showed my full capability. However, this was the point of the workshop, and the drawings we produced were supposed to be like this as these would normally be things that we would discard in our minds. I enjoyed swapping work with others and adding drawings to each other’s work, plus it was interesting to see what ideas people had come up with. I do think that this workshop was fun, but I also found some aspects of it difficult and I did still have that voice in my mind critiquing what I was drawing. However, with practice, hopefully this will be something I can work on. I’m looking forward to the rest of this project, including creating the zine!


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