Designs for greeting cards

I made some rough designs of how I want the greeting cards to look. For the ‘congratulations’ card I added a branch for the bird to stand on and some leaves around to add some nature. I placed the text at the top as this is where there was the most empty space and I have used a pale yellow background as I feel it works well with the other earthy tones. For the ‘get well soon’ card I also placed the text at the top of the card as there was empty space here. I have added a table or surface for the vase to sit on as I felt it looked weird if it was just floating on the card. Also I added in a shadow cast by the vase to add more tone to the image. I used a white background as I felt the image already had some bold colours in it and I wanted that to be the main focus. With the other two cards I don’t think that I will add much else to them. I might add some clouds above the house however I want the house to be the main focus and the animation has a few elements to it so I don’t want anything to clash.


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