Laura Melissa Williams: ink & bleach artwork


PictureLaura Melissa Williams is an artist who creates artworks of cities from space using ink and bleach painting. Her aim is to create pieces which show patterns and systems in nature and human-made worlds and show how we’re both interconnected and disconnected.

‘Adding bleach to inks adds a whole other layer of complexity, the unpredictability of the medium adds another layer of beauty – and the final effect is a beautiful golden colour and a luminosity that is hard Pictureto create using other mediums.’

She uses a variety of  strengths of bleach to strip away the ink, using stronger bleach in the areas which she wishes to make lighter. For final touches, she adds gold leaf to make each print unique.

I really like Laura’s process and I think the final piece are beautiful. I would like to try and create a piece like this in my own work, looking at Mauritius. This also follows on from my previous experiments with ink and bleach.


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