Lino printing experimentation – 22/03/23

As I stated at the start of the project, within my research, I wanted to experiment with printmaking, specifically lino printing as it is a process that I really enjoy and I don’t use it within my work as much as I would like. I signed up for the lino printing induction and I created some small prints to familiarise myself with the equipment on campus. These prints don’t particularly relate to my project, but I just wanted to experiment with the process again and get an idea of whether this is something that I want to explore further. I chose a fairly simple design of a potted plant and then I printed it in as many different colours that there was to offer. I printed with gold, pink, blue and black inks, as well as creating a gradient colour with the pink and blue inks. I also printed these on different coloured paper to see how the ink looked on different colours. I really like the gold ink as it has a shimmer to it, and I think that those prints printed really well. I plan to explore this process further and create more prints in relation to my project and the topic of travel.

my lino block during the cutting process

gold prints on blue and light pink paper blue ink on light pink paper and pink ink on light green paper gradient of blue and pink ink on newsprint and pink ink on newsprint

blue ink on newsprint and gradient of blue and pink ink on light pink paper

pink ink on dark green paper and black ink on orange paper


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