New idea!

I have had a new idea involving the narrative of my animation. I have decided to change the ending and I wasn’t too keen on the ending I had originally storyboarded. I have decided that once it gets to the midway point of the animation I am going to speed up and reverse exactly what has just happened and then it will cut to a scene of the main character sitting in a room in the dark by themselves and all of this has been in their imagination. In the text, it talks about the people living in the house dying and becoming very ill so I thought that this character could be the last person left there and they are slowly going crazy and imagining things. After this scene there will be a more close up scene with the characters face where their eyes will start to widen and change. I thought of this idea from the Grizzly Bear music video where the heads are changing shape and the eyes are widening. I really like this effect and I want to incorporate it into my own work. The screen will the fade darker and this will be the end.

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