Narratives in motion briefing & narrative workshop – 07/11/22

Today was the briefing for a new project called ‘Narratives in Motion’ which is an animation project, working with stop motion. As I used stop motion animation for my previous project I feel confident in using it for this project.

There was a workshop on narrative today where we were in groups and each person had to write part of a story on a piece of paper, fold in over so that it wasn’t visible and pass it to the next person. Once the stories had gone round to everyone we read them and they were very weird and funny! I really enjoyed this workshop as it was fun and interesting to see how easy it is to write a narrative. This was my story:

In the next part of the workshop, we were given the texts and a random genre and then had to re-write the text in that particular genre. The genre I was given was horror and my chosen text was ‘A Natural Disaster’. I am a big fan of horror films so I was quite excited when I was given this genre. I first started off by annotating the text with any changes that I wanted to make. I found that the text was already quite dark dreary, so I did find this task a bit difficult. I decided to make the parts of the weather, that were causing the natural disaster, monsters instead. I then started to re-write out the text with the changes that I had made. I think that this task will influence the narrative of my animation as I quite like the idea of having this text in the horror genre. Overall, I enjoyed both workshops and they have helped me to gather some ideas about the narrative of my animation.


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