Finished filming & backing music

I have finished filming all the scenes that I need!! I added in a few extra scenes that I thought of whilst I was filming, for example the word ‘RUN’ in red plasticine which then scrunches up into a ball. I wanted to add in some text to the animation and I thought this was a really cool way to do it. I added it in just before the scene of the character running from the creature as it fits perfectly. Also, I think the red links back to the horror genre nicely. I also added in an up-close shot of the character’s face where they are sweating and panicking. I wanted to add this because I felt as though there wasn’t a lot of emotion being conveyed by the character and I wanted to show that they were scared of this creature. I am really happy with how all the scenes turned out and I have never worked with plasticine in stop motion before so it was really fun to play around with it. I also found some backing music on YouTube that I think I will use in my animation. I wanted some eerie music to help set the tone of the animation so I found some that I will use:


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