Designing characters

I started to think about how I want my characters to look and how I am going to make them. I had already drawn a rough idea of their shape in my storyboard, so I wanted to expand on that. I drew a quick sketch of the shape of the characters and annotated with what sort or colours I want everything to be. I want the main character to be fairly simple as it will need to be able to move around and stand up by itself, so I wanted to use a simple shape that is easy to move and mould. I also thought to use plasticine to make the characters as it is easily mouldable.

I then made some draft characters out of plasticine to see if I liked the look of them. They were fairly easy to make and shape and will definitely be easy to move around. I think that I will experiment more with colours as they are too bright right now and don’t really fit in with the tone of the story. I am thinking of mixing colours together to create a patchy/mismatched look for each of the characters. I will still follow the same shape and overall design though as I am happy with this.

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