House animation

For the animation of the house, I have decided to make it digital as I want to experiment with this type of animation and try something different compared to the other animations. I used Procreate to draw the images that move, these include the grass, tree and birds. I like the contrast between the hand-drawn work and the digital work within one piece. I created multiple layers and within each one I moved each element slightly to create the effect of movement. When I had created all my layers, I exported it as a video which left me with my final animation. I enjoyed this way of animating as it was a lot quicker than stop motion and easy to change if I had made a mistake. However, working this way is still something that I’m unfamiliar with and I would like to explore more in the future to help improve the quality of my outcome. Nevertheless, I am happy with how this animation has turned out and I think it will add a nice contrast next to the other animations.


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