Ideas for animations

These are my sketches for my four animations. As I said in my previous post, the first animation is a vase of dying flowers which will spring back to life during the animation for a ‘get well soon’ card. My second animation is of a bird flapping its wings and chirping for a ‘congratulations’ card. My third animation is a house with birds flying over, trees blowing in the wind and possibly smoke coming out the chimney for a ‘new house’ card. Finally, my forth animation will be some flowers with the sun shining on them and then rainclouds come in and it starts to rain, making the flowers grow, and this will be a ‘happy birthday’ card. I chose this design rather than the washing line one because there wasn’t a greeting that fit well with that design. Also I like the symbolism of growth for a ‘happy birthday’ card as I think it is quite fitting.

I am happy with my four designs so next I will finalise my 2-D images and then start thinking about the animation process.


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