Finished zine & crit – 13/10/22

This is my finished zine of someone else’s work. For a lot of the images I didn’t have a strict plan of what I wanted to do with them so, I played around with them in photoshop, changing colours and sizes until I found something that I liked. There were also some images from the original zine which I kept the same as I thought they looked good as they were and I didn’t want to change that. I really enjoyed this process of playing around with another person’s work, however I did find it a bit more stressful using someone else’s work as I didn’t want to ‘ruin’ their work or produce something that they didn’t like. I am happy with the outcome and my ability to edit someone else’s work. I have seen what my partner did with my work and she has seen what I’ve done with hers and we are both happy with how they look and the choices that the other made.
In the crit we stood up one at a time and showed our work to everyone. It was really interesting to see what everyone produced and to see everyone’s own style. I was nervous to show my work as everyone’s was so good, but I also received positive feedback which I am happy with. If i had more time on this project then I might have experimented with different styles more and perhaps created another zine which was edited by hand, rather than digitally to see if I could create a different outcome. Overall, I enjoyed this project and think that I worked well in this style of working.

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