Briefing for making the invisible visible & first ideas – 17/10/22

In todays briefing we were told about the new project ‘making the invisible visible’, which is centred around augmented reality (AR). AR is not something that I have worked with or produced before so I am interested in the process of it. After the briefing, I sat down and created a mind-map of my ideas for the project and what animations I want to create. For my 2-D image I have thought about either a poster, a zine or greeting cards. At the moment I am leaning more towards the greeting cards. My ideas for my animations consist mostly of images I created in my zine, in order to relate this to my chosen text. For my animations, I think I will do them hand drawn as I feel this is something that I am stronger at than digital work. I am going to continue thinking of ideas and doing some sketches in the next few days.

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