For the next part of the project we were given a selection of texts to choose from and then respond to. I chose the first text: ‘A Natural Disaster’ by Lydia Davis. I chose this text as it stood out to me the most and brought the most images to my mind when I read it.
After reading the text I drew as many images and scenes that came to mind, trying to use a variety of materials. I did a few of these images in the workshop and then I continued in my own time over the weekend.
I wanted to emphasise and capture the ‘darkness’, ‘shadows’ and ‘dimness’ that is repeatedly talked about in the text. This meant using a lot of neutral tones as well as a lot of black and white drawings.
I enjoyed this part of the workshop, however, I did feel that I ran out of ideas to draw without repeating myself. I’m looking forward to the next part of the project, which is creating our own zine from the images we drew in this workshop. I already have a few ideas of what I’m going to do!