Linked below is a short essay about the ethical issues design engineers face, in relation to the remanufactured skateboard wheels project I am undertaking in my second year at university.

Essay on ethics in engineering.

I produced FMEA and risk assessments for the manufacturing process and general project risks, which is included in this design proposal.

In terms of commercial and business settings for this project, I would aim to implement distributed manufacturing, which put simply is choosing geographical locations of factories or other work sites closer to the destination, or possibly choosing to use multiple, smaller factories in different parts of the country instead of one larger factory – to cut down the volume of pollution due to vehicle emissions.

I think this is important to implement into the manufacturing/distribution process as making ethical decisions should not stop after the manufacturing process, but should be considered at every phase of the products life. This is called the cradle to grave concept. (1)

To reflect on my own learning, research and progress this year, I will use Schon’s model of reflection. (1) This is shown below with my own answers.


What do you think might happen?

I think that this project could be successful if it meets the necessary standards for quality and performance, and if there is demand for sustainable skateboarding products.

What might be the challenges?

There may be issues in terms of sourcing enough high-quality old skateboard wheels, ensuring that the wheels are safe and durable and having enough time to complete the project completely due to time constraints.

What do I need to know or do in order to be the best prepared for these experiences?

In order to be best prepared for these experiences, it would be important to have a thorough understanding of the possible remanufacturing processes and the materials that can be used for it, key authors in this sector and to learn more about circular economy and ethical codes for engineers.

It would also be important to have a solid marketing strategy in place.

Additionally, it would be beneficial to collaborate with skateboarding communities and organisations, such as Satori Skateboards who remanufacture their own wheels in the US, to raise awareness and generate interest in the product.


What’s happening right now, as you make rapid decisions?

I am considering the sustainability and environmental impact of each decision, as well as the quality and performance of the finished product. This is difficult sometimes such as looking at costs, as the cheapest option is not always the most sustainable.

Is it working out as I expected?

Mostly, as the possibility of the project working is high, although time constraints are something I had not planned as well for and it may not be possible to achieve as much as I had planned.

Am I dealing with the challenges well?

There may be some unexpected challenges or issue, but overall I am confident in the design and production process and believe that this project will achieve the LO’s in the modules.

Is there anything I should do, say or think to make the experience successful?

To make this project successful, it would be important to continue to prioritise sustainability throughout the design and production process.

I also need to make more use of the project management tools I have at my disposal, such as updating my Gantt chart and planning my weeks using Microsoft Onenote.

What am I learning from this?

I am learning the importance of considering sustainability and environmental impact in the design and production process, as well as learning that I thoroughly enjoy designing products with sustainability in mind. I am also learning about the challenges associated with producing sustainable products in a competitive industry, such as costs and ethics.


What are your insights immediately after, or later when you have more emotional distance from the event?

A week before the deadline date, I would say that overall I am happy with the progress I have made – although I did not achieve what I hoped to in modules DE502 and DE504. I know this is because they are areas I am not confident in, such as machining or mathematics.

(1) Nickel, L. (2023). Cradle-to-Grave in LCA: What is it & How does it work? [online] Ecochain. Available at: