Q&A: Anxiety at the gym

Words by Emily Huelin

Devan Storey, a 23-year-old personal trainer, is on a mission to help people feel more confident when working out. Devan has experienced a shocking number of young people cancelling workout sessions. So, get ready to kick your anxiety to the side and boost your self-confidence with these fitness tips…


Can you please explain in more detail your job as a Personal Trainer? 

 My overall aim is help people achieve their fitness goals, whatever they may be! My clients’ goals range from toning up, gaining muscle and losing weight. I have a few elder clients who simply just want to be able to walk down the stairs without holding onto the railings and this is a massive achievement.


Have you ever had a client who is embarrassed to do certain workouts or look bad in the gym?

 Yes, a lot of my new clients who are young and don’t have much experience get embarrassed or worry they will look silly. I always remind them that I am here to help them and they are not meant to be experts this early on.


What do you think are the main causes of young people not wanting to go the gym?

Intimidation. The gym can be filled with really experienced people. People may feel anxious because they don’t know what to do or how to do it, and therefore feel silly. I think people worry they will get teased or laughed at which is a shame because the gym should a be place to relive stress and gain confidence.


What advice would you give someone who is feeling anxious to join the gym?

With my experience working in various gyms over the years, I have noticed that the big muscly men and women want you to achieve your goals and would rather motivate you than laugh at you. If you ask them for help they will be more than happy to do so. Most importantly, everyone goes to the gym to do their own thing – they aren’t interested in what you are doing!


What do you think can help young people tackle this fear?

Start doing more workouts. Get to know basic movements. When you feel like going to the gym but you feel anxious, find a gym buddy who has experience with weights and the different machines.  I have found this takes away the pressure on yourself and if you do make a mistake you and your friend can laugh about it together.


 Have you ever felt anxious about going to the gym in the past?

 Yes, especially in a big gym. If there were loads of guys around I would not feel comfortable to go to the weights area due to feeling extremely intimated. Now, I am determined to stop people feeling this way. If you want to go the gym, why should you feel anxious? It’s a place for everyone, all shapes and sizes, to feel comfortable.







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