On receiving this brief I was met with some apprehension, as I have never made work as a response to social, political or environmental issues affecting the world. Although I think visual culture is incredibly important in responding to the issues in our modern world. I find that I avoid subjects which could be controversial, as I am concerned of a viewer misreading my intentions. I also believe that to authentically respond to something you have to be very well informed and I’ve felt that accurate, unbiased information can be hard to come by.
However, this is an excellent opportunity to bring my work into critical view because if anything it will be a learning curve and an important one. My initial thoughts are to look into something that is centred around the environment, recycling, global warming as this is something I want to be better informed on.
My first steps in this project have been unusual to my other projects as I’ve started at visual material rather than texts and informing myself. This seems ironic as I feel very uninformed on the subject however I wanted to get some visual stimuli down quickly and it coincided with my Lithography Module Option. For the module I decided to focus it towards this project, I feel that printed material has always had a strong place in protest art and it felt like a good foot to start on.
Also, I’m eager to use more collage and juxtaposition in this project and I think lithography would be a great place to achieve these skills.
My influences for this project are health and safety posters by Bernard Chadebec, as they are so clear and functional and yet very graphically informed. Health and safety posters interest me because they have a concise message which they must quickly get through to the viewer. This quick relay of message, thought and action I think would be beneficial in a campaign geared towards the environment. As often I find information on the environment can be convoluted and confusing.