Want to improve customer satisfaction? Here’s why launching a mobile shopping app will help

With the rapid growth of smartphone and smartphone application users, mobile apps have attracted an increasing amount of attention as an engaging platform for marketing communication (Kim, Lin & Sung, 2013). UK consumers turn to their mobile devices more often than desktops to do their shopping, as research by Google confirms that mobile browsing finally overtook desktop browsing (Taylor, 2016). Mobile apps are becoming more and more popular with consumers when shopping online. 

‘Brick and mortar stores are fun, but at the end of the day, the ability to pick up your mobile device and search for stuff online is just infinitely more convenient’ – Hindy, 2017

Mobile shopping apps mean consumers can skip the long ques and cut down the time it takes them to search for what they want. But for what other reasons are consumers finding mobile shopping apps more useful? And why should you as a business launch a mobile shopping app to improve customer engagement?

An infographic illistrating the significant growth in the mobile apps industry:  https://www.retailtouchpoints.com/resources/type/infographics/rise-of-the-apps-the-mobile-revolution-in-retail-commerce-infographic 

Why are consumers finding mobile shopping apps more useful?

If you’ve ever heard the phrase ‘there’s an app for that’, it is true… there’s an app for just about anything consumers could ever want to do on their mobile devices (Getmobileexposure.com, 2012).

There are many reasons why mobile apps are so popular amongst consumers when shopping but getmobileexposure.com (2012) have narrowed it down to four:

  1. Easy to use and convenient – (obvious reason, yet underrated) mobile apps are very simple and easy to use and users don’t have to learn about a difficult, long, drawn-out software before they put an app to user
  2. Easy one-touch access – mobile apps function as a virtual location of a business and consumers can become familiar with an app very quickly
  3. Receive instant notifications – consumers are able to receive notifications about special offers and promotions related to a business instantly, which is great in their eyes (this also adds a ‘direct personal connection’)
  4. Have pertinent scheduling information at their fingertips – consumers have quick access to important features that can help them make a transaction more seamlessly

Consumers prefer apps to mobile web experiences because apps are created for dynamic and interactive experiences. They are specifically made to be personalised and tailored to the user and enable a smooth user experience that mobile web simply cannot (Poqcommerce.com, 2018).

The pros and cons of launching a mobile shopping app

A mobile shopping app will provide a direct marketing channel because of all of the information you can provide to you customers – including special sales and promotions (Haselmayr, 2014). This is right at their fingertips and through notifications this gets you even closer to a direct interaction and can easily remind consumers about your products and services (Haselmayr, 2014). With this, consumers can also collect their rewards via your mobile app which provides value to them. Collecting rewards can be done through a digitalised loyalty program which will cultivate customer loyalty.

A mobile shopping app can also contribute to your brand awareness. You are able to create an app that has features specific to what your consumers will love and will recognise. The more suitable you make your app for your consumers, the more they will visit and (hopefully) buy your products/services. You can also use your app to set yourself apart from the competition by doing what they are yet to do.

There is one important setback (as there is with everything) of launching a mobile shopping app and this is the costs you could incur. The cost of developing, maintaining and marketing your apps can sometimes be extremely high which could set your business back by a lot of money. However, some say that although the costs will be high, in the long run it will profit your business a lot more as it is a new channel for consumers to use and for revenue to be made through.

Should you launch a mobile shopping app?

Retailers all over the world can see the impact that mobile shopping is having on the industry and they should know it’s something they cannot afford to ignore. Offering a mobile app is a great way to meet the needs of consumers who prefer to browse and shop using their mobile. If retailers weren’t to offer an app, it is likely that consumers will go elsewhere for more convenience to a retailer that does offer an app.

‘Either way you go, a mobile app is going to be a standard component of any business in the future. The choice you make today is going set the foundation for the future of your business’ – Haselmayr, 2014

A useful guide on how to develop and build your first mobile app if you’re thinking about it: https://www.allbusiness.com/12-step-guide-to-building-your-first-mobile-app-11193-1.html



Kim, E., Lin, J. & Sung, Y. (2013) To App or Not to App: Engaging Consumers via Branded Mobile Apps. Journal of Interactive Advertising [Online]. Available at: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15252019.2013.782780?scroll=top&needAccess=true&instName=University+of+Brighton. Vol.13.

Taylor (2016) Mobile Shopping DOMINATES Online Sales in the UK [Online]. Available at: https://appinstitute.com/mcommerce-uk/. [Accessed 3rd January 2018].

Hindy, J. (2017) 15 best shopping apps for Android [Online]. Available at: https://www.androidauthority.com/best-android-shopping-apps-544784/. [Accessed 3rd January 2018].

Getmobileexposure.com (2012) 4 Benefits of Mobile Apps for Consumers [Online]. Available at: http://www.getmobileexposure.com/4-benefits-of-mobile-apps-for-consumers/. [Accessed 3rd January 2012].

Poqcommerce.com (2018) Welcome to the age of app commerce [Online]. Available at: https://poqcommerce.com/app-commerce/. [Accessed 3rd January 2018].

Haselmayr, M. (2014) Here’s Why Your Business Needs Its Own Mobile App [Online] Available at: https://www.forbes.com/sites/allbusiness/2014/11/17/heres-why-your-business-needs-its-own-mobile-app/2/#22ee532f53a7. [Accessed 3rd January 2018].

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