I have been exploring the theme of 1930s – 1940s beauty gadgets following my theme of ‘uncomfortable objects’. I had been really interested in this topic whilst researching irrational fear & phobia, many of the 1930s beauty gadgets to me resembled ‘torture methods’, in my previous shoots around this topic I have explained the meaning behind it in more detail.
For this photoshoot I have been recreating the ‘Freezing’ method where patients would get their freckles frozen off with carbon dioxide as back in this era they were seen as unattractive and an unwanted feature on the face. To do this patients eyes were covered with airtight plugs and their nostrils were filled in to stop creating the fumes in, they would often have a tube to breath through. To recreate the image I found online I decided to use hose hold objects to act as the gadget. For this edit I used a tin can opener in pieces to layer over the image to create the ‘Freezer’. I used photoshop to dismantle the tin opener and to use the pieces as different parts of the gadget. This was a very time consuming edit as first I had to create the black and white vintage effect on the photograph and then blur out the edges of each piece. I also had to use the clone tool to get a consistent coloured back ground. I then used the dodge and burn tools to lighten and darken certain areas of the image such as the eyes. I feel this was a successful shoot and edit, I think the final out come works really well and I have achieved the mixture of old and new.