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Welcome to the DE504 module page! As you’ll hopefully notice (on desktop), hovering the cursor over the words along the header will open a menu that will take you to the individual points of this portfolio

I decided to format my website this way in order to draw sufficient attention to organised segments of each module, while still maintaining a clear idea of which segment belongs to which module.

During my time working on this module, I learned important skills in effective assessment of risk, as well as recognising the importance of intellectual property in engineering practice.

I would say I struggled most with understanding the importance of financial, economic, societal, etc. factors relevant to my project. As this project progressed and developed, so too did my understanding of the standard manufacturing process of acoustic string instruments. Slowly but surely, weighing up costs and economic markets became significantly more complex. This began to hinder my progress in other modules, resulting in an executive decision to focus more on other modules, which unfortunately led to the relative neglect of this module. As such, in the future I plan to make detailed and easy-to-follow plans for each module to ensure that they are more evenly weighted relative to their credits.

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