Welcome to the DE502 module page! As you’ll hopefully notice (on desktop), hovering the cursor over the words along the header will open a menu that will take you to the individual points of this portfolio
I decided to format my website this way in order to draw sufficient attention to organised segments of each module, while still maintaining a clear idea of which segment belongs to which module.
During my time working on this module, I learned important skills in project management, creative problem solving and producing coherent reports for complicated concepts (such as experiment reports!)
My biggest challenge was self-promotion. I am very fortunate to have ready access to professionals in the engineering industry, as well as my target demographic of beginner/solo bass guitarists. Due to this, self-promotion came as a kind of afterthought. In the future I aim to be a musician that creates music, and I am already doing self-promotion on various social medias to help cultivate this.