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Welcome to the DE503 module page! As you’ll hopefully notice (on desktop), hovering the cursor over the words along the header will open a menu that will take you to the individual points of this portfolio

I decided to format my website this way in order to draw sufficient attention to organised segments of each module, while still maintaining a clear idea of which segment belongs to which module.

During my time working on this module, I learned important skills in applying analytical skills to prototypes that I designed/laser-cut.

My biggest challenge in this module was finding ways to apply scientific principles to my project. From my research, I found that designing and manufacturing guitars is a game of experience. This made it notably difficult to find existing sources on the specifics of guitar manufacture, let alone mathematic/scientific principles that relate to the manufacturing process. In the end, I decided that focusing on the strings and relevant wave theory would be the best relevant way to show progress in this module. This can be found in my written notes, my mathematics page and otherwise scattered across this module. There is also some trigonometry done in order to attempt to identify a previously unmentioned constant in the spreading angle of strings.

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