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Welcome to the DE501 module page! As you’ll hopefully notice (on desktop), hovering the cursor over the word “DESIGN” will open a menu that will take you to the individual points of this module.

I decided to format my website this way in order to draw sufficient attention to organised segments of each module, while still maintaining a clear idea of which segment belongs to which module.

During my time working on this module, I learned important skills in employing materials and media so that I can come up with several informed design solutions. I would say my biggest challenge was definitely learning to communicate ideas and explain concepts to an audience without a working knowledge of instruments and guitars. I struggle often with assuming that others have the same context as I do when beginning explanations, which often leads to miscommunications and frustration to all parties.

To overcome this, I found that having visual demonstrations (such as very loose sketches, or even just gesticulation) helps to explain concepts that I tended to understand without words.

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