On this page we have included various research outputs, including:
- Journal Articles
- Book Chapters
- Reports and Briefing Notes
- Academic Conference Papers
- Academic Conference Presentations
- Presentations to Communities and Policymakers
- Research Blogs
Journal Articles:
- Philips, I.; Azzouz, L.; de Séjournet, A.; Anable, J.; Behrendt, F.; Cairns, S.; Cass, N.; Darking, M.; Glachant, C.; Heinen, E.; et al. Domestic Use of E-Cargo Bikes and Other E-Micromobility: Protocol for a Multi-Centre, Mixed Methods Study. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2024, 21, 1690. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph21121690
- Philips I, Brown L, Cass N. 2024. E-bike use and ownership in the Lake District National-Park UK. Journal of Transport Geography. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2024.103813
- Cass, N., Marsden, G., Brown, L. and Anable, J. Changing mobility practices – can we learn from crises?. Soziologie und Nachhaltigkeit. https://doi.org/10.17879/sun-2024-5278
- Behrendt, F.; Heinen, E.; Brand, C.; Cairns, S.; Anable, J.; Azzouz, L. Conceptualizing Micromobility. Preprints 2022, 2022090386 https://www.preprints.org/manuscript/202209.0386/v1.
- Brand C, Dekker H-J and Behrendt F (2022) Cycling, climate change and air pollution. Advances in Transport Policy and Planning doi.org/10.1016/bs.atpp.2022.04.010
Book Chapters
- Brand, C.; Dekker H-J., Behrendt, F. 2022 Cycling, climate change and air pollution. Advances in Transport Policy and Planning. doi.org/10.1016/bs.atpp.2022.04.010
Reports and Briefing Notes
- Philips, I., Anable, J. and Chatterton, T. 2020. E-bike Carbon Savings- How much and where? Centre for Research into Energy Demand Solutions: Oxford.
Academic Conference Papers :
- (Paper Accepted) Philips, I., Anable, J., Azzouz, L., and C. Brand. E-Cargo Bikes, Energy, and CO2. (2024). European council for an Energy Efficient Economy- ECEE 2024. Paris, June 2024
- Philips, I. , Kirkbride, A., Brown, L. and H. Tate. (2022). E-bike use in the Lake District During Covid -19: insights for sustainable transport & green recovery. University of Leeds.
Academic Conference Presentations :
- Glachant, Clara. “Navigating E-Cargo Bike Citizenship in the Transition to Sustainable Mobilities: Beyond Bicycles and Cars.” International Conference at the Center for Mobilities and Urban Studies (C-MUS), Aalborg, Denmark, August 22-23, 2024.
- Behrendt, Frauke. Keynote: Rethinking Electric Mobility Transitions: A Global South and Social Justice Perspective. 23rd to 25th September 2024. Leipzig, Germany.
- Darking, Mary; Behrendt, Frauke; Marks, Nicholas, and Ian Philips. Engaged micro-mobility research as pragmatist mobility innovation strategy: experimenting with household e-cargo bike use in 3 UK cities. European Association for the Study of Science and technology (EASST) 2024 quadrennial meeeting. Amsterdam, Netherlands. 16th July 2024.
- de Sejournet, Alice. E-cargo bikes for a household shift to sustainable mobility? 17th NECTAR conference. Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium. 04/07/2024.
- Alice de Sejournet and Clara Glachant. Le vélo-cargo, un vecteur de la transition des ménages vers une mobilité durable ? [E-cargo bikes for a household shift to sustainable mobility?]. 6e Rencontres Francophones Transport et Mobilité. Brussels, Belgium. 27 June 2024
- Cass, Noel. “E-cargo bikes: how does a bike-car hybrid negotiate velomobility and automobility geographies and infrastructures in the UK?” Geographies of vélomobility I: Planning, Mobilities and Infrastructure, Nordic Geographers meeting, Copenhagen University. 25th June 2024.
- Brand, Christian. “Net zero societies: the role of transport and mobility in achieving net zero pathways.” European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy 2024 Summery Study on Energy Efficiency. June 2024. Paris, France.
- Cass, Noel. “What is an e-cargo bikeable trip?” European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy 2024 Summery Study on Energy Efficiency. June 2024. Paris, France.
- Philips, I., Anable, J., Azzouz, L., and C. Brand. “The life cycle carbon emissions effects of household e-cargo bike ownership and use: evidence from three UK cities“. European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy 2024 Summery Study on Energy Efficiency. June 2024. Paris, France.
- Anable, J. “Rightsizing: time to shrink our overweight vehicles?” Panel Fully Charged- Everything Electric North. 26th May 2024. YEC Harrogate, UK.
- Philips, Ian. “Micromobility and E-bikes, can they really get the British out of their cars?” Fully Charged- Everything Electric North. 26th May 2024. YEC Harrogate, UK.
- Cass, Noel. “Mainstreaming Micromobility” Fully Charged- Everything Electric North. 24th May 2024. YEC Harrogate, UK.
- Anable, Jillian. “When it comes to energy & transport, what will the world look like in 2035 and 2050?” Fully Charged- Everything Electric North. 25th May 2024. YEC Harrogate, UK.
- Cass, Noel. “Mainstreaming Micro-mobility.” Fully Charged- Everything Electric North. 24th May 2024. YEC Harrogate, UK.
- Anable, Jillian. “Is the UK being left behind in the race for cleaner energy and transport?” Fully Charged- Everything Electric North. 24th May 2024. YEC Harrogate, UK.
- Marks, Nicholas et. al “Blue: ANTics of an e-cargo bike.” International Conference at the Center for Mobilities and Urban Studies (C-MUS), Aalborg, Denmark, August 22-23, 2024
- Philips, Ian. “Rural transport and the climate emergency- priorities and directions for action.” Geography in Practice: The Future of Rural Mobility, March 2024
- Cass, Noel. ‘Questioning inclusion and exclusion in micromobilities’ Royal Geographical Society with the Institute of British Geographers (RGS-IBG) conference, London, August 2023
- Clara Glachant and Frauke Behrendt. ‘Two wheelers in transition? Moped stereotypes in the Netherlands’. Royal Geographical Society with the Institute of British Geographers (RGS-IBG) conference, London, September 2023
Presentations to Communities and Policymakers:
- Philips, Ian and Jillian Anable. “Where are we now and where do we need to be?- The role of active travel in decarbonisation.” The West Yorkshire Combained Authority Active Travel Conference. June 2024.
- Cass, Noel. “Energy consumption behaviour change: is the UK strategy of ‘leaving it to the market’ a busted flush?” Talk for the Sustainable Consumption Institute at The University of Manchester. April 2024.
- Cass, Noel. “To meet Net Zero do we need policies to limit flying and driving?” Presentation for Climate Action Ilkley for the free event Your Lives in Their Hands. 20/03/2024.
- Marks, Nicholas. “Preliminary Findings of the Elevate E-Cargo Bike Study,” Presentation to Brighton & Hove City Council for the Partnership for Active Travel & Health Event. February 2024.
- Philips, Ian. “Keynote Co2 reduction capability of e-bikes“, Webinar on E-bikes and CO2 reduction potentials”. Zealand Region, Denmark 14th December 2023 https://gate21.dk/arrangement/elcykelkommunen-en-vej-til-klimavenlig-og-sund-mobilitet/
- Philips, Ian. “Mapping carbon cutting cargo bikes,” Otley Science Fair, November 2023
- Philips, Ian. “How can we drive awareness of ebikes as an environmentally friendly mobility option?” E-bike summit, 5 September 2023 University of Oxford, https://www.ebikesummit.org/agenda
- Elevate Project Team: ELEVATE e-micromobility and decarbonisation, Poster presentation at DfT/UKRI key academic stakeholders event, Westminster Hall London. November 2022
External Blogs:
- Olsen, Steven. Great British Barriers into the Cargo Bike Market. Olsen Bikes. 05/07/2024
- Cass, Noel. “Energy consumption behaviour change: is the UK strategy of ‘leaving it to the market’ a busted flush?” 23/04/2024
- Glachant, Clara. “Trouble in (Cycling) Paradise: Debunking Moped Stereotypes” 03/04/2024
- Philips, Ian. “What do people have to say about e-bike use and ownership in the Lake District National-Park?” 31/01/2024
- Cairns, Sally. “Why any government serious about achieving net-zero needs to focus more on electrically assisted bikes” 21/11/2023
- Cairns, Sally. “What does the ELEVATE National Survey Tell Us About E-bikes?” 9/11/2023
- Philips, Ian. “Our ELEVATE Researchers answer 7 questions you have about e-cargo bikes” 18/08/2023
- Walton Street Cycles. “We are pleased to assist the University of Oxford on their Elevate Project.” 12/05/2023
- Brand, Christian. “Expert Comment: Is the future of transport electric? We have to do everything, and fast” 09/11/2022
Keep an eye out for new blogs …and don’t forget to follow us on Social Media!