Myself (Learning Technologies Adviser), Kim Donovan (Information Adviser) & Clare Millington (Senior Lecturer in BBS) attended day one of the SEDA conference in Brighton this week. We delivered a workshop called ‘Encouraging ownership and collaborative engagement with subject reading using visual bookmarking tool Pinterest. The workshop was born out of a BBS project to discover a book marking technology that would encourage students read beyond their subject and to help them evaluate their readings.
In the workshop we covered
- Why we used Pinterest
- An icebreaker Kahoot quiz all about Pinterest (the session was post lunch so we wanted to energise the delegates)
- Setting up accounts and the basics of using Pinterest
- A Pinterest pinning challenge, called Cats vs Dogs
- Examples of how Clare has used it with her students in BBS
- A discussion about how delegates might use it in their own teaching
The presentation is available here: Encouraging ownership and collaborative engagement with subject reading using visual bookmarking tool Pinterest
The basics of using Pinterest and the Cats vs Dogs challenge
Pinterest for critical thinking and collaborative learning
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