Geography PGCE students visit RGS and Natural History Museum
Last month, our (Secondary) Geography PGCE students benefited from a day trip to the Natural History Museum and the Royal Geographical Society (RGS) to enhance their practical learning experience, skills and knowledge.
A morning visit to the Natural History Museum provided the opportunity and inspiration to plan a field trip for different groups of students, with particular focus on a topic area from the Key Stage 3 syllabus.
Our students then spent the afternoon at the Royal Geographical Society (RGS). This visit comprised of an enlightening talk about the resources and support that the RGS can offer the trainees currently and when they are teaching, as well as an exciting visit to the archives to experience a collection of historical artefacts from expeditions to the sources of the Nile, the Artic and Everest.
Following the trip, these experiences have enabled our students to plan and design a piece of work to investigate an aspect of the Natural History Museum for either:
• More able pupils
• EAL pupils
• Low ability pupils
• Disadvantages pupils