Supporting school communities in Nepal
The School of Education ran a Nibbles for Nepal food stall to raise funds for earthquake relief.
The stall which ran from 26-29 May sold out each day of its Nepalese inspired snacks and raised £520.
The money raised went to our Nepalase partners who provide placement opportunities for our students and who have been supporting schools and communities badly affected by the disaster. Linking with the charity NepalShirt the money provided school dinners for children to encourage them back into education.
Our colleague Om Yogi in Nepal reported: “Out of 80,000Rs raised by the University of Brighton 50,000Rs was donated to Shri Ram Higher Secondary School, Khopashi, Kavre.
“The money will go towards providing snacks to the children between grade 1-3 for one year. You can see the picture of children enjoying the meal.
“The remaining money will be spent supporting very poor parents of children who are also affected badly by the earthquake.”
The University of Brighton’s School of education also has links with Nepal through its charity a School for Malagiri.
Find out more about the School for Malagiri charity.