Education studies and teaching courses at Brighton news

Getting started with programming in the primary classroom

Ever since this new subject of computing was announced, teachers from local schools have been asking us to provide CPD to help prepare them for the challenges that the programme of study presents.

In June we will be running what we expect to be the first of a number of computing CPD courses for local teachers. This course will focus on getting started with programming in the primary classroom.icompute image

We’ve designed it for complete beginners but you’ll leave with a good understanding of the expectations of the computing programme of study at KS1 and KS2 as well as knowledge of appropriate software and hardware that you can use to teach computing and ideas for stimulating classroom activities.

The course will be led by experienced computing tutors from the School of Education and are limited to one place per school. Find out more and book a place.



Kerry Burnett • April 9, 2014

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