As a new EdD student you will attend a two-day induction programme on the 10th and 11th December.
In the mean time please feel free to use this forum to introduce yourself to key staff, as well as meet and begin to work with your fellow EdD students.
Hi all,
Hopefully I’m not too late to the party here! My name is Kevin Morton, I am a Senior Lecturer at the University of Brighton and I teach mainly in Undergrad and Post-grad Physical Education. I trained here 21 years ago and have taught Secondary PE prior to working at the Uni.
My interests lie in the use of technology in education/PE and innovative pedagogy in HE. I will be studying if online, distanced and blended learning strategies are actually good for young people and the long-term impact they may have – now couldn’t be a better time, right!
I look forward to (virtually) meeting you all soon.
Christian is a Maths Scholar of The Institute of Mathematics & Its Applications. He is a Ghanaian national permanently resident in the UK. He is a flexible, respectful and friendly person to have around. Philosophically, he is a scientific materialist that sees the domain of mathematics as the
temporal patterns in nature, described by Devlin and Sawyer as “any kind of regularity” (Boaler, 2009,p.19-20). He is highly educated, motivated, and an experienced, qualified leading professional committed to the delivery of the highest standards.
He is about to start a EdD in Curriculum Studies. His Employer, who currently employs Curriculum 360, is interested in the topic of curriculum studies.
Over the years, Christian has highly distinguished himself in diverse roles in Ghana, UK, South Africa, Nigeria and Uganda in training, education and capacity development. From past roles such as strategist, communicator, planner, manager/organiser, researcher, coordinator and evaluator, Christian offers a substantial experience in his classroom. He also offers transferable skills; positive, will do and can-do attitude; self-belief, goal focus, drive, clarity, hard work, timeliness, punctuality and dedication.
Professionally, his practice, policy and research stances are as follows:
Classroom Practice
Teach children to love and do maths (Boaler, 2009)
Focus lessons on thinking and memory (Willingham, 2008, p.20)
Use questioning to develop a conceptual understanding (Brown and Walter, 2005)
Use IME (Inquiry-based mathematics), PME (Problem-solving based mathematics) or RME
(Realistic-Based Mathematics) appropriately.
Use praise appropriately and encourage ‘why’ questions
Meet teacher standards and continue to develop his professional practice
Teach students to “reason mathematically: …make and test conjectures about the
generalisations that underlie patterns and relationships…assess the validity of an argument
and the accuracy…” (Department for Education, Updated 16 July 2014)
Implement the employer’s school policy.
Research-informed practise (Mason et al., 2010; Mason, 1999), (Willingham, 2008), (Boaler,
2009; Boaler, 2013), (Sweller et al., 2011), (Rosenshine, Spring 2012)
* Action researcher.
Christian, who is very excited to be on the course, and thanks the team for accepting him on the course, hopes to contribute to professional practice or knowledge or both.
Available on request (superceded word count)
Thank you.
Hello everyone.
My name is Stephen Calladine-Evans. My field of interest is school governance. It’s been a while since I finished my Masters so, in common with a few other posts, the workload and engaging in higher level research is both a challenge and an exciting prospect.
Currently I coordinate a partnership of 40 schools, am the designated lead for Sussex AB and, like Joanne, deliver CPD through UCL IoE.
I’m really looking forward to getting to know you all and work with you.
Best wishes,
Hi everyone,
I am Joanne Calladine-Evans an Education Consultant working with partnerships and networks across the South East. It’s a long time since I completed my Masters at Brighton so like many of you I am concerned about workload and also getting back into a higher level of reading and writing. I am looking forward to meeting everyone and have found your introductions really encouraging.
Hi everyone, my name is Rebecca Swindells. I currently own and manage a large day nursery. My area of interest is around the impact and management of operational policy changes in the Early Years PVI sector. I’m excited about starting in October, but daunted too. My main concern is about stepping back into the world of academic writing after years of writing articles for websites and magazines. I’m hoping to find that everyone is in the same situation!
Hello everyone,
My name is Carol Jackson-Okon and I currently work part time at the UoB as an instructor of research methods in the social sciences. I became a secondary school teacher 5 years ago and have taught maths in secondary schools and at an FE college. I am looking forward to sharing with and learning from you as I take on the daunting task of balancing responsibilities to school and work yet again. Good luck to us all!
Please introduce yourself below. Whether you are a returning student (and can share thoughts on your first year and hopes for the second) or someone starting the course in 2020 it will be great for other students to have a bit of background ahead of you all meeting in the new academic year.
Hi everyone, my name is Caroline Riggs. I’ve been teaching secondary science for 12 years now- just experiencing the strangest start to a new school year yet! Looking forward to meeting you all and getting stuck into a new project.
Hi all,
I’m Simonne Weeks and I am a Senior Lecture for School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences and looking forward to meeting everyone on the 17th, also feeling a little worried about juggling the workload of work and study.
My name is Kevin Duckett. I am a Year 6 teacher at a school in Bexhill. I am currently the Maths subject leader there with a role in developing a Teaching for Maths Mastery approach through the NCETM within my school and other local primary schools. I have recently completed an M.A. in Education at the University of Brighton. I am looking forward to meeting everyone in October.
My name is Kerry Doyle. I am course leader on the PGCE in Further Education and manage a partnership of local FE colleges. I also act as a route leader for the Foundation Degree delivered in Guernsey.
I am looking forward to this opportunity and meeting everyone but still worried about workload, especially as the start of this term has been close to overwhelming.