Steve Marshall, LED UK Ltd Andrew Durling, Eastbourne Environmental Action Group Gemma McFarlane, Seaford Environmental Alliance
In the second of our three sessions, we will explore steps we can take to:
- reduce the amount of fossil fuel energy we use in our homes
- reduce the number of new products and materials we buy for our homes
- reduce how much we waste
- and reduce how much we spend
Session recording
See below for the resources referred to in the recording:
Program 11:00 – 12:00
- 11:00 The Eastbourne and Seaford story: suggestions, local schemes and activities for saving energy, resources and money – Andrew Durling, Gemma McFarlane and Jill Shacklock
- 11:30 Q & A with panellists: Steve Marshall, LED UK, Gemma McFarlane, Andrew Durling, Rachel Fryer
- 11:45 Online energy saving game. Make a team with your family or housemates.
If you’d like to ask our panel a question, we recommend you look at the relevant resources below first. You can ask your question at the live event, or you can send us your question in advance using the link below.
Before the event, you can view the following resources :
- Information and video Can LED solve all your lighting needs?
Did you know: replacing a single lightbulb can save you £5 per year. - How to insulate your home: from quick tips to big projects
- includes homeowner video
- Information and videos: Lewes Repair café and Library of Things– How do you set these up in your communities?
- Information: Does it have to cost the earth to fix your front drive?
- Video interview with Plastic Free Eastbourne, Oliver Sterno
- Video interview with Neil Peters, Community Recycling Engagement Officer for Lewes and Eastbourne councils.
Find out what happens to our waste and recycling and what contaminates our recycling - Local schemes for tackling food waste
Resources from other sources
- Information on Smart Meters from Simple Energy Advice)
Smart meters can help you save energy and reduce the cost of your bills by showing you how the energy is being used. - Video: Simple ways to save energy from the Simple Energy Advice website.
Did you know: Turning your radiator down by 1 degree can reduce your heating energy bills by 10%. - The Sheds at Eastbourne – where people age 50+ can potter about in a shed with like minded people
- Find out about litter picking in your area
- Great tips on saving food waste from Brighton and Hove Food Partnership
- Tackling food waste – resources for business from Brighton and Hove Food Partnership
- Love food, hate waste website full of ideas
Your Q & A panel
- Steve Marshall: LED UK
- Gemma McFarlane: Seaford Environmental Alliance
- Andrew Durling: Eastbourne Eco Action Network
- Rachel Fryer: Resident (Whole house insulation, air tightness measure and MVHR)
Fiona and Andrew, Pevensey Rachel and Adam, Newhaven Steve Marshall, LED UK Ltd Gemma McFarlane, SEA
How do I access this event?
Hi Mary, we will publish the Zoom link for the event on this website before Saturday.