Big Draw 2019

The Big Draw is is a visual literacy charity that promotes the universal language of drawing as a tool for learning, expression and invention. The theme for 2019 is ‘Drawn to life: creativity and wellbeing’:

To support this an A6 booklet called The Pocket Drawing Companion 2019 has been produced by a small subgroup of Drawing REG members (Pauline Ridley, Claire Scanlon, Paul Grivell, Yvonne Foster, Patrick Letschka and Philippa Lyon).

It was hand drawn and handwritten and then printed and contains a range of ideas and suggestions to draw for different purposes, with an underlying theme about drawing for wellbeing.  The booklet links up to further resources via the website for Visual Learning run by Pauline Ridley in the Centre for Learning and Teaching.

Whilst it was designed with new School of Art students in mind, most of the exercises might be of interest more widely and are not necessarily subject-specific.

You can download a copy of the booklet here.


drawing pocket book