BLM webinars in HE

This page aims to list webinars and online events taking place at and outside of Brighton which address racism in Higher Education and related issues. It does not claim to be a comprehensive list but rather is a list of events we are aware of which may be of interest to students and staff. If you know of an event not listed here, please pop details in the comments or email

Once sessions have taken place, we’ll add event recordings and resources where available.

SASS Social Science Forum Semester 1

Decolonising the curriculum/decolonising research

Every alternate Weds at 13-14hr in Semester 1 from 14 October

BSU Black History Month

October 2020


Brighton Students Union are hosting a range of incredible virtual events and experiences throughout October. All students are welcome to get involved and engage with as many events as possible. Check out the schedule of events!

Symbolic Protest: the case of the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter | Online talk

22 September, 18.00-19.30

A free webinar hosted by Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, Scotland, and open to all. Join doctoral researcher Ashley Cole (Birmingham City University) for a discussion of the #BlackLivesMatter movement and recent protests.

Recently, the hashtag (#) BlackLivesMatter has resurfaced sparking protest worldwide after the death of George Floyd. What emerged as a protest, a movement and an organisation is now a symbol for protesting racial equality. This talk will dive deeper into the historical aspects of Black social movements and the significance of a slogan.

Decolonising the curriculum: an inter-institutional discussion between University of Brighton and University of Lincoln

17 July, 13.00-14.30

This webinar offers staff and students the opportunity to reflect on practice and experience and to showcase initiatives that are making a concerted effort to Decolonising the Curriculum. Led by Dr Marlon Moncrieffe from the University of Brighton and facilitated by Professor Ananda Breed from the University of Lincoln, this initiative will provide a cross University approach to explore how colleagues might consider the design and development of curriculum in relation to issues concerning power, access, representation and advocacy.

The webinar will consist of a presentation by Dr Moncrieffe in relation to the University-wide ‘Decolonising the Curriculum’ initiative that he has led at the University of Brighton, followed by break out room discussions.

Turning Words into Actions: Eliminating racism and racial inequality in HE

Universities UK
14 July, 15.30-16.30

Session recording and transcript.

Dialogue and Debate: Black Lives Matter

Cumberland Lodge
A 4-part miniseries on issues of race and justice in policing, education, the culture sector and wider society

Black Lives Matter: Taking action to tackle racism across HE

8 July 2020

A recording of the event, slides and resources can be found on the Wonkhe blog.

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