Anjuman Shaheen, A slide presentation to recruit participants for the research “Personal self-awareness and digital games”

Open laptop featuring a promotional powerpoint slide on screen

This user-centred research is about designing a digital game to increase self-awareness among young adults (18-24 years old). Self-awareness involves having a clear perception of an individual’s personality, including strengths, weaknesses, thoughts, beliefs, motivation, emotions, and personal health. People with strong self-awareness are neither overly critical nor unrealistically hopeful. Lack of self-awareness causes people to indulge and exhaust their energies in the wrong direction and suffer from unawareness of emotional needs, depression, anxiety, discontentment, and other personality problems. In this era, where digital games are popular and extensive research proves that Game-based learning offer interactive learning with authentic practice. Moreover, games are considered a safe and immersive medium of stealth learning with the freedom to explore, identify, fail, and retry.

As the primary purpose of this research is communicating with young adults and knowing their thinking process, likeness, preferences, uncertainties and so on. Therefore, this photograph shows the presentation slide, which will be used in recruiting participants.

School of Architecture, Technology and Engineering

Lead supervisor: Panagiotis Fotaris