Experimental Film Workshop

We are happy to have Louise Colbourne from Design For Digital Media with us to lead two workhops on experimental film.

Places are limited so please email Louise (l.a.colbourne@brighton.ac.uk) to secure your place. Information on the two sessions can be found below.

DIRECT ANIMATION Room:225 5pm 15th November 2018

This workshop will to offer you the opportunity to work directly with celluloid 16mm film using the technique of direct animation.
This is a practical workshop in which you will be provided some 16mm film stock to work on top of to create a loop of a few seconds in length. We will then join the loop and play the outcomes through a 16mm projector. It is possible to capture the projected images on a camera or phone if you would like to use them in the future.
You will also be shown how to effect and adapt the optical sound track.
The process of direct animation involves either scratching into the surface of the film’s emulsion to make sequential patterns and shapes, or drawing / painting images, textures and shapes on to clear leader.

CONTACT PRINTING Grand Parade Dark-room 7th February 2019

A further workshop will be held in a darkroom facility where you will be able to process your own short film strips. The technique used is contact printing (or photogram) and an optical soundtrack can also be created here. It is possible to create contact prints by exposing small objects and other film strips onto high contrast film stock which then creates an inverted, negative image.

Further research

Cinema of Attractions:

Stan Brackage:

Liz Rhodes:

Lynn Loo:

Norman McLaren:

Oskar Fischinger:

Ian Helliwell:

Sally Golding

Marcel Duchamp

Bruce McClure


Louise Colbourne:

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