Design for Performance (Visual Report)


For this project I was part of the costume design team.  We began my separating into groups so that we could each focus on separate sections of the costume design In order to maximise our time. As part of this my main focus was designing scuba gear for the children. Seeing as the scuba gear was part of their fantastical underwater adventure I thought to go with an old timey scuba suit with the large helmet, making it very clear what they were wearing. Initially I started to construct paper mache around the outside of a balloon in order to create the helmet. Once we as a group discovered that these would then be too small for a human head we had to make some alterations. Using cardboard for structural integrity and again adding layers of paper mache we created the helmet which I then painted. Another group worked on the second helmet.

I also made chest and neck pieces, created from newspaper and cardboard. I used a combination brown and gold paint to try and replicate the bronze that it would have originally be made of.  Due do costume transition difficulties we ended up not using these chest pieces however if we had been able to I feel it would have fully captured what we were trying to create. The helemts were however very successful and after some comfort alterations worked well in the performance .

Later when deciding to who would play what characters in the performance I opted to play the part of a dead body.  This did only entail lying on the stage and not moving as I was stabbed by two children, however a costume was still needed for this character. For this I very simply took an old shirt and splattered it with red paint, thus giving the perception of a bloody murder.

As well with this project we were tasked with creating a poster as an advertisement of for the performance. Within my poster I have hoped to show the home in its reality and on the other side the children living their preferred life in their imagination, playing and creating their own world. I believe this comes through effectively.

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