Using the artavive app one can scan any of these images and they will be able to see the animations that follow. The first three signs I kept rather simple in order to keep them connected to the signs that initiate the animation. The purpose is for these signs to do more than just make you aware of what you need to be careful of when near the building site but now also give you a fun interaction with the sign and it further explains what is happening in each instance. Each image refers to different aspects of “The Fat Workie”. The first shows him carrying out his daily labors, the second his breaks in which he stares at and becomes jealous of the office workers who remain slim doing no exercise and the third shows a different perspective from the office workers point of view as they get a headache from the loud jackhammering.
The fourth animation, as I have mentioned before, was intended to be a bit more complex, although how successful I was with that I am unsure. It was supposed to show another side to my animations set with more colour and detail so you could see more character expression and really show the relationship between the workie and those whom he is jealous of. What I failed to realise during this project is how long animations take and as such didn’t have the time to really create the animation I wanted for my final piece. I do however feel that the animations are still successful in portraying what they were intended to portray.
My plan is to print these images on large pieces of card and then film them playing whilst hung up on scaffolding or fences around a building site. I have however been unable to film on a building site as the times I tried to I wasn’t allowed. I settled for this video I could shoot in my garden.